On 13th March 2022, which marked the 79th anniversary of the liquidation of the Krakow ghetto, Tadeusz Jakubowicz, Chairman of the Board together with the representatives of the Jewish Religious Community in Krakow, laid flowers in places commemorating the extermination of Krakow Jews. The following guests were in attendance: Mayor of Krakow, professor Jacek Majchrowski, Chairman of the Board of the Jewish Religious Community in Katowice, Włodzimierz Kac, President of the Roma Association in Poland, Roman Kwiatkowski, Manager of the Krakow branch of the Institute of National Remembrance, habilitated doctor Filip Musiał as well as numerous Krakow residents. We are grateful for everyone’s presence on that day.
On Saturday, 13th March 1943, the Germans began the final liquidation of the Krakow ghetto. First, the ghetto was cordoned off by SS divisions, Police, Sonderdienst and the Blue police. Jews from the A ghetto were supposed to walk to Płaszów, while those from ghetto B were to be killed, despite being promised a relocation to Julag I. During the two-day operation, the SS men murdered a few hundred people located in shelters, hospitals and orphanages. Their corpses were transported to Płaszów, where other people, considered ”useless”, were being shot dead. The official total number of 2,000 victims killed in both, the ghetto as well as in Płaszów, does not seem to be exaggerrated, as the original number of 8,000 people who arrived at the camp increased…