Jonatan Warschauer (1820-1888)

Jonatan Warschauer, born on 2nd March 1820 in Cracow,  was a doctor and a community activist. He was a graduate of St. Ann’s Gymnasium. After finishining the Faculty of Medicine at the Jagiellonian University in 1843, Warschauer ran his own medical practice.  He published his works in ”Tygodnik Lekarski”(Doctor’s Weekly), ”Pamiętnik Lekarski Warszawski” (Doctor’s Journal / Warsaw), ”Przegląd Lekarski”(Doctor’s Review) as well as in ”Rocznik Towarzystwa Lekarzy Polskich w Paryżu” (A Yearbook of the Polish Doctors Society in Paris). As a keen supporter of  Polish independence and the assimilation of Polish Jews, he supported the Uprising in Cracow, which resulted in his imprisonment. The author of a brochure entitled  ”O spolszczeniu Żydów galicyjskich” (About making the Galicia Jews Polish) published in 1882. A member of Cracow City…

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