Currently Museum of Kraków – Old Synagogue
Szeroka 24 Street
The Old Synagogue is a symbol of history and tradition of the Krakow Jews because, until the outbreak of World War II, it constituted a centre of the Jewish religious life in Krakow. It dates to 1407, and its construction is related to the appearance of the Jewish diaspora from Prague, who arrived in Krakow after the Prague pogrom of 1389. The Old Synagogue is a typical two-nave Gothic synagogue following European models (Worms, Regensburg, and Prague), differentiating from its European prototypes with greater dimensions. In 1557, the building was almost completely burnt, and this was not the only fire in its history. It was rather quickly reconstructed, but now, following the contemporary trends, in the Renaissance style. Despite thorough changes, the two-nave layout was preserved, as well as the cross and ribbed vaults, while the walls were elevated and topped with an arcade attic. The construction works lasted until 1570. The next thorough refurbishment took place many years later. It was only in 1900 that, due to extremely poor technical condition and visual properties, the Old Synagogue Reconstruction Committee was established. Multi-phase construction works were conducted in the periods 1904-1914 and 1924-1925, significantly improving both the condition and the infrastructure of the synagogue, adding a neo-Renaissance element to its unique architecture. During World War II, the Germans deliberately devastated the synagogue by turning it to a warehouse. All the liturgical and archival items, as well as the precious library, were stolen or plundered. The synagogue was also ruined in its technical and architectural aspect. In the period 1956-1959, the Old Synagogue was reconstructed, restoring its unique appearance. The renovation was entirely financed from the state budget. In 1958, Krakowska Kongregacja Wyznania Mojżeszowego (Krakow Congregation of the Jewish Faith) donated the synagogue to serve as a museum.
Details related to visiting can be found at the website of the Old Synagogue Branch of the Historical Museum of Krakow