Independence Day

BS”D 2 Iyar Today we celebrate the Independence of Israel, on the Fifth of Iyar 5708, when the dominion of the Jewish people was returned to part of the promised Land of Israel. After many long years during which the Land lay forsaken in a state of ruin and destruction, during which we, her children, were dispersed in bitter exiles, where we were enslaved, humiliated and persecuted, Jewish sovereignty was re-established in the Land of Israel. Three thousand, seven hundred and six years after God, the endower of all lands, had promised Avraham, at the covenant drawn between them, that To your seed I have given this land, from the River of Egypt to the Great River the Euphrates (Bereshis 15:18), Avraham’s children were able to once…

Remembrance Day

BS”D Today is the second day of Ijar and we will soon start to commemorate Remembrance Day, actually the “Memorial Day for the Fallen Soldiers of the Wars of Israel and Victims of Actions of Terrorism”. The siren sounds and all are quiet. Entertainment, in Israel, stops for the day. How can we celebrate that in Krakรณw with the current situation? Sure, there are restrictions imposed by the health authorities, but we can still in private say a prayer for them or light a candle. Jews, wherever they are, remember those who were killed by terrorists and those who have given their lives for Israel, may their memory be a blessing, and give them a prayer. text D Cohen  

The month of Iyar

BS”D Iyar is the Babilonian name for this month, which is referred to in the Torah as the “second month”. Another name for this month is Ziv – radiance. It is said that the generation that left Egypt became radiant during this month, for they were healed of their blemishes as they prepared themselves to receive the Torah. Rosh Chodesh Iyar is always celebrated for two days, for the preceding month of Nisan is always a full month of thirty days. The first Rosh Hodesh Iyar after the Exodus from Egypt fell on Shabbos. The people of Israel were encamped at Marah at that time and there the bitter water they found was miraculously transformed into sweet, fresh water, suitable for drinking, through the wood which Moshe…