Estera Hadasa Broder (1900-1944)

Born on 20th March 1900 in Krakow, Estera Hadasa Broder, daughter of  Efroim Schindler and Małka Lea, née Gutwürth, was a teacher and and a botanist.

A 1920 St. Jack’s Gymnasium graduate who continued her education at the Faculty of Philosophy at the Jagiellonian University, which she finished in 1926 with a PhD title.  Right after her studies, Broder moved to Łódź where she worked as a Biology and Geography teacher. She also worked at the Female Gymnasium of the Association of the Secondary Education for the Jews in Łódź. Between 1929–1930, she passed her academic exams in front of the Central Examination Committee in Krakow for the would-be Botanics and Zoology and Geography and Geology secondary school teachers.  After WWII broke out, Estera Hadasa Broder was expelled from Łódź and returned to Krakow, where she continued teaching, this time secret teaching. In March 1941, she was moved to the Krakow ghetto, followed by the Płaszów camp in 1943. From there, Broder was transported to the Ravensbrück concentration camp.

”She was an incredible teacher. Fully dedicated to her students. She was a teacher who loved her job and who could spark interest in Biology among her students. A respected colleague and employee. ”

Estera Hadasa Broder was murdered by the Germans on 26th November 1944 in Ravensbrück. Based on / Picture courtesy of : Wiadomości Botaniczne 45(1/2).2001/49(1/2). 2005

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