Rabbi Jomtobh Lipmann Heller

On 10th November 1643, Krakow witnessed a visit of rabbi Jomtobh Lipmann Heller (1579-1654) who came to the city to take the position of the rabbi of Krakow as well the vice-chancellor of the Krakow yeshiva. Heller was an exceptional Talmudist and the author of religious literature and numerous works in the fields of  kabbalah, philosophy, maths and astronomy. He was born in Wallerstein and according to Majer Bałaban, Jomtobh Lipmann was a far cry from regular Polish Jews. He was balanced, versatile and was not keen on pilpul. Before coming to Krakow, Jomtobh Lipmann Heller was a rabbi in the Czech Republic (Mikulov, Moravia), Austria (Vienna) and Poland (Niemirowo and Włodzimierz Wołyński). For 28 years he held the position of a dayan in Prague. He faced…