Józef Bogusz (1904-1993)

Born on 11th September 1904 in Tarnopol, Józef Bogusz (Birkenfeld), son of  Karol and Gustawa, née Goldberg, was a doctor specialising in thyroid, stomach, intestines and bile ducts surgery. A long-time employee of the Medical Academy in Krakow, the Chairman of the Association of Polish Surgeons as well as the Association of Polish Doctors. He was also a member of the Main Commission Investigating the Nazi Crimes in Poland , the International Janusz Korczak Association and numerous foreign academic associations.  Bogusz was an author of over 200 research papers. A student of the Polish Gymnasium in Vienna (1914-1919) who spent the last three grades at the Jan Sobieski National Gymnasium no.3 in Krakow. Bogusz took the final exams in 1922 while in 1928, he finished the Faculty…