Szymon Feldblum (1882-1956)

Born on 15th July 1882 in Krakow, Szymon Feldblum, son of Majer and Amalia, née Weber, was a lawyer, a solicitor for the Jewish Religious Community in Krakow, a Vice-President of the Association of Residential Protection and one of the founders of  B’nei B’rith – „Solidarność” – the Jewish Humanitarian Association in Krakow; a Zionist. Feldblum graduated from St.Jack’s Gymnasium in Krakow (1900) followed by the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Jagiellonian University (1906). After his gratuation from the University, Feldblum got a position at Krakow’s legendary lawyer’s, dr Ludwik Szalay (1857-1934) at the Goetz Palace located at św.Jana 3. When dr Szalay decided to retire, he left his Legal Office to Feldblum, knowing that he was leaving the clients, the company’s tradition and reputation…