Maria Róża Jakubowicz (1918-2007)

Maria Róża Jakubowicz , daughter of Abraham Pistol, was born on 1st May 1918  in Dobczyce. Maria Róża Jakubowicz was described by Sławomir Pastuszka in Nasza Gmina (Our Community) as the epitome of a Jewish woman who was called ” The Community’s Mother” by the Jews in Krakow.  Her incredible personality contributed to creating a close bond between the Krakow Community members. Jakubowicz’s special character allowed them to feel the atmosphere of a real Jewish home that was lost by the majority of members during holocaust.  Her heroism and bravery during WWII are admirable. After getting to Krakow in June1945,  Maria Jakubowicz got involved in the work for the Regional Jewish Commitee at Długa 38. Her main duties included looking after children, mostly orphans, who survived on…