BS”D 27 Iyar 5781 The 14th. of May of 1944 saw perhaps the worst German action in Plaszow. Lorries were driven next to the Kinderheim (the foster home for children) and they played a well-known children’s song, called “Mommy give me a horsey” (orig.: Mamatschi schenke mir ein Pferdchen). At that moment the Germans started to amass the children brutally in the lorries. The lorries then left the camp and the Germans murdered the children. Generally that day was regarded as one of the most tragic ones for the whole camp in Plaszow. Less than a year later Germany was defeated and surrendered unconditionally on its knees, the country a mass of ruins. opinions expressed in the text belong solely to the author, and not to the…
BS”D 27 Iyar 5781 Józef Oettinger was born on Tarnow on 7 May 1818. He was a medical doctor, a historian of medicine, and the first Jewish professor of the Jagiellonian University. His parents died when he was 5 and he was taken care of by a Kraków merchant, his uncle Jakub Adler, who lived in Kazimierz. After school, he started to read Philosophy in the Jagiellonian University and two years later he began medicine. In 1843 he was given the title of doctor in Medicine and a year later he began work in Kraków’s Jewish Hospital. During the “Springtime of the Peoples” he took part in the National Committee, created by the Patriots, as a representative of Jewish intellectuals. He believed in the inevitability of working…