Announcement by the Council

The Jewish Religious Community in Kraków, together with the public in general, does not approve that the place, where people of various nationalities and religions were murdered, be used for self-promotion and political goals. We consider the actions of Mateusz Jaśko, which provoke tension between the inhabitants of Kraków, shocking and irresponsible. In the Plaszow concentration camp many of our brethren, many of our neighbours, many of those who lived in Krakow, died. They belonged to various nationalities. They were brutally murdered. Those who survived were sent to extermination camps, where they met with an equally tragic fate. We do not give our approval for the actions taken by the above-mentioned person under the pretence of serving the population. The citizens of Kraków have the right to…

Jan Sehn

Jan Sehn was born on 22 April 1909 in Tuszowy Maly. He was a Polish lawyer, a judge and a professor of Penal Law at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, the director of the Forensic Institute in Krakow and the President of the Commission of Investigation for Nazi Crimes in Krakow. He was an investigation judge in many trials for war crimes, among which those of Amon Goeth, Rudolf Hoess and Joseph Buehler. He died on 12 December 1965 in Frankfurt while preparing the new Auschwitz trial. He is buried in the Rakowicki cemetery in Krakow. The Forensic insitute bears his name since 1966. Filip Ganczak wrote a book about him and gave an interview in English: Wikipedia: . Text Dr D Cohen