A meeting with Lili Haber, Chairwoman of the Association of the People of Krakow in Israel (Związek Krakowian w Izraelu) took place yesterday, on 18th March 2024 at 6 p.m. at the Kupa Synagogue. The event was combined with the promotion of a book written by prof. dr hab. Łukasz Tomasz Sroka (UKEN), Lili Haber . The second generation after the Holocaust in Israel. The birth of a new nation, preface by Marian Turski. Published by AUSTERIA, Krakow-Budapest-Syracuse 2024. (Drugie pokolenie po Holokauście w Izraelu. Narodziny nowego narodu, przedmowa Marian Turski. Wydawnictwo AUSTERIA, Kraków-Budapeszt-Syrakuzy 2024.
The meeting was hosted by Michał Zajda (Jewish Religious Community in Krakow).
We wish to thank Lili Haber and prof. Łukasz Tomasz Sroka for an engaging discussion and all the guests for coming.