Sara Polina Gincburg, daughter of Szymon Gincburg and Cecylia Sandberg, also known as Zuzanna Ginczanka, was born in March 1917 in Kiev. A popular poet, blessed with an outstanding talent, wit as well as her extraordinary beauty. She was considered one of the most talented poets of the interwar period. Her works were published in ”Wiadomości Literackie”, ”Skamander” and ”Szpilki”. Ginczanka released her only book of poems called ”O centaurach” in 1936. Her rapidly developing career was stopped by WWII and ended by her mysterious tragic death.
According to Ryszard Kotarba’s article published in Gazeta Wyborcza on 15th December 2015, entitled ”Zuzanna Ginczanka: śmierć poetki. Historia okupacyjna” (Zuzanna Ginczanka: the poet’s death. The story of occupation), Ginczanka was most likely shot dead in the first half of 1944 in Płaszów. Her last message was dated 18th April and a group of prisoners was brought to Płaszów on 5th May 1944. Very few of them were left in the camp, while approximately 30 people, mainly women of the Jewish origin, were shot on the spot. It is likely that Zuzanna Ginczanka was in that group.
fot. Muzeum Literatury