28 th February marks the death anniversary of Józef Oppenheim (1887-1946). Murdered in 1946, Oppnheim was the Head of the Tatra Mountain Ambulance Service. His wife, Wanda, was an eye witness of this disgraceful event. According to her testimony, on 25th February someone knocked on their door and asked about ”the Head of the Tatra Mountain Ambulance”. After being refused the entry, they came back 4 days later, on 28th February. Oppenheim let the people in. They ordered him to lift his hands up, saying ”We are from Home Army. We know your beliefs and we know you are the Head of the Tatra Mountain Ambuance Service”. When Oppenheim was trying to close the door, he was shot dead by Karol Lasak. Following this event, Tadeusz Murańka shot Oppenheim’s wife, Wanda. The raiders took 170 bedsheets, some clothes, a pair of shoes, a wallet with 1,000 PLN inside and an ID card (Kennkarte). Apart from the two intruders mentioned above, another one, Andrzej Lasak, took part in the robbery, too. In 1946, the Military District Court in Cracow sentenced Murańka to death, while Karol Lasak got a life sentece which was subsequenty changed for 15 years in prison. According to their testimony, robbery was the cause of the murder.
Julian Kwiek, Nie chcemy Żydów u siebie. Przejawy wrogości wobec Żydów w latach 1944-1947, Warszawa 2021, p. 453-454
Fot: The Tatra Museum