Born on 20th July 1898 in Krakow, Leopold Infeld, son of Salomon and Ernestyna, née Kahane, was a theoretical physicist, an author of works about the Theory of General Relativity (he collaborated with A. Einstein), the field theory and electrodynamics, a member of the Polish Science Academy and the World Peace Council. Signatory of the Russell-Einstein manifesto; signatory of Letter no.34. Leopold Infeld was a student of a Kazimerz Wielki Department School and the Adacemy of Trade. After the maturity exam (1916), he enrolled the Jagiellonian University’s Faculty of Physics. In 1920 Infeld met Einstein in Berlin where he lived for 8 months. After his return to Krakow he obtained his PhD title (1921). In 1930 Infeld became an assistant and an associate professor at the John Casimir…