A dedication ceremony of the New Jewish Cemetery located at Abrahama 3 Street in Krakow took place on 6th April 1932.

A dedication ceremony of the New Jewish Cemetery located at Abrahama 3 Street in Krakow took place on 6th April 1932.

The first piece of land dedicated to the cemetery was purchased in 1919, followed by another one in 1923. A decision to build a monumental pre-burial house was made quickly. The person made responsible for it was a Krakow architect, engineer Adolf Siódmak. Moreover, the plan provided for a building dedicated to a Chevra Kadisha funeral society (known as ”Szary Domek”). Due to red tape and financial difficulties, the works strang out until 1932 when the cemetery was opened. From1941 the cemetery at Abrahama 3 was the only burial place for Krakow Jews. During WWII the cemetery was completely ruined, while the pre-burial house was blown up. 

Two days later, the local press in Krakow wrote about this event. Source:  Małopolska Digital Library – Ilustrowany Kurier Codzienny (nr 96, p. 16) and Jagiellonian Digital Library  – Nowy Dziennik (nr 96, p. 4)