Community Life – 1 Tamuz 5781


1 Tamuz 5781

From our weekly life

First of all, please accept my renewed bestest wishes for the new month. I hope the weather will stay warm and everyone will be able to enjoy the summer.

The Community has been providing for centuries for our members in Kraków. In spite of wars, pogroms and medical emergencies, we have kept a safe place where Jews could feel at home. Language lessons, medical help, a meeting place for, in which we can meet and chat, the community is a haven for the troubles of daily life and the centre of Jewish life in Kraków.

It seems sad to me that there are organisations that, using Judaism, seek self-promotion and claim that Judaism had, before their advent, disappeared from Kraków. This is simply not true. They go so far as to cause confusion among the Jews in times when there should be mutual support.

Last week, as usual, we had our prayers and kiddush, following public health guidelines. During the difficult days in which more restrictions were in place, we strictly followed the letter of the law. We did not endanger our elder members in order to seek self-aggrandisement. They received daily lunches and support.

Our kiddush was very lively and contained a thorough dvar torah on the parshah of the week, for which we can thank our ever-present gabbai. Words of wisdom, good food, good company, what more does one need? I am looking forward to shabbes and to our beautiful meals.

Once again, hodesh tov and shabat shalom – have a wonderful shabbes.

opinions expressed in the text belong solely to the author, and not to the author’s employer, organization, committee or other group or individual.

Dr D Cohen