7. Vigilance

BS”D 30 Sivan 5781 Hodesh tov! Today we start Chapter 2 of Mesillas Yesharim, a chapter called “The Virtue of Vigilance”. R. Luzzatto begins by stating that the concept of vigilance refers to being careful about one’s actions. One should think about one’s actions and whether they are good or not. R. Luzzatto mentions being vigilant about one’s habits and not repeat them without thinking about them. Examining one’s habits is very important. Repetition leads to inattention and carelessness. One can begin to take things for granted and not be thankful everyday for one’s blessings. In the second paragraph R. Luzzatto states that paying attention would actually be common sense. Somebody who has minimal understanding should try to save himself and not lose his soul. R. Luzzatto…

Transgenerational Transmission of Trauma in Survivors of the Shoah

BS”D 30 Sivan 5781 Post-traumatic distress syndrome is classified under F43.1 in the International Classification of Diseases. Its symptoms are usually flashbacks, nightmares and sleep disturbances. The patients display social distancing, lack of sympathy and a difficulty to feel positive emotions, as well as “emotional numbness” and are easily aroused, having exaggerated reactions to certain stimuli. The first generation will often display arterial hypertension, chronic pains, digestive complains and a lack of affect as well as depression and feelings of guilt. Common symptoms in the second generation are role-switching (feeling to have been the actual Shoah victim) with additional feelings of guilt and shame. They see themselves as “living memorial candles” and act accordingly. They have a higher psychological vulnerability and higher dependence. Neuroses, anxiety, fears and…

Memorial Day for Jews of Dębica

The Memorial Day for Jews of Dębica is organized by Ireneusz Socha each year to mark the first liquidation action in the local ghetto that took place on July 21, 1942. AGENDA July 21, 2021, Dębica 18:00 Former ghetto area (corner of Kosciuszki and Glowackiego Streets) Commemoration of 12,000 Polish Jews, including more than 2,000 Jews of Dębica, who were imprisoned in the local ghetto, made forced laborers and then were exterminated in the city or at the death camps in Bełżec and Auschwitz. May their memory be a blessing! May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life! 19:00 Willa Wiluszowka Hotel Synagogue in the life of a Jewish community – a lecture by Patrycja Pogoda  Jewish inspirations – solo improvisations by Bartlomiej…