22 Iyar 5781
On 4 May 1660 (St. Florian’s day) crowds went in procession from the cathedral to St. Florian’s church. Young academics used the occasion to attach the Jews nearby, beating them bloody and robbing them. A few Jews paid with their life and those who managed hid in the “Lizard house” (ul. Floriańska 6). Unfortunately the students of Kraków hated the Jews.
In spite – as Mejer Bałaban wrote – of royal warnings and prohibitions, attacks on the streets and in the cities were happening daily. Dark figures circled the common folk and showed them “written court proclamations” and bands of ruffians in the cities “used made-up excuses … and made-up lists, using soldiers, pilgrims and students killed Jews, robbed their homes and committed violence upon them”. Also in Kraków it boiled and spilled.
Balaban, Majer, History of the Jews in Kraków and Kazimierz 1304-1868, Kraków, 1936.
May they all rest in peace and may the murderers never be forgiven.
Translation Dr. D. Cohen