Nowy Dziennik

The first issue of Nowy Dziennik, one of the most widely-read Jewish newspapers, first came out on 9th July 1918 9  with the initiative of  Ozjasz Thon.  During the war the paper was printed in Przywóz  ( near Morawa Ostrawska) and its offices were located at Stradom 13. Later on, the headquarters was moved to Orzeszkowa street in Krakow.
Initially, the newspaper had some hard time in free Poland as it published news about ani-Jewish incidents. Several attempts were made to seize the edition of  Nowy Dziennik as well as to burn it at the stake. On 9th January 1919, the Post Office authorities working together with the army , withdrew the newspaper’s postal licence for distrubion for Galicia and Cieszyn Silesia which meant the newspaper issue was ceased. Ilustrowany Kurier Codzienny published news claiming that  Nowy Dziennik with its ”pages full of agression against the Polish people, Polish authorities and the army”, was deprived of its distribution licence.  However, Nowy Dziennik was soon  back on the market. And it kept on  publishing ”uncomfortable” news about the anti-Jewish incidents in Poland.
The newspaper was hugely popular among assimilated families with a Zionist attitude. The last issue of Nowy Dziennik came out on 2nd September 1939.